The Old Blog Archive, 2005-2009

ObjectiveFlickr 0.9.0 Released in Both Objective-C and Ruby

I’m happy to announce that ObjectiveFlickr Library 0.9.0 is released, available in two languages: Objective-C and Ruby.

The Objective-C version is the continuation of my work on the Flickr API framework, first released in September. Version 0.9.0 includes documentation, sample code, and the pre-built ObjectiveFlickr.framework which can be placed into your own Cocoa app. I’m planning to add unit tests and synchronous calls in the near future.

The reason I’ve created a Ruby version is that I need an ultra-lightweight Flickr library for my web applications. Since Flickr now provides return data in JSON, there is really no reason we need a myriad of Ruby classes (one for photos, one for groups, one for users, … and so on) that encapsulate different types of Flickr data. I’ve packaged the library into a gem so with just a one-liner ("gem install objectiveflickr") you’re all set.

The Objective-C version is hosted at Google Code, whereas the Ruby version is hosted at RubyForge. I also keep a blog that tracks its growth and progress (I hope).

I’m eager to learn if ObjectiveFlickr can help you better, so feel free to comment or drop me a line. Thank you!

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