Je conseillois en Italie à quelqu’un qui estoit en peine de parler Italien, que pourveu qu’il ne cherchast qu’à se faire entendre, sans y vouloir autrement exceller, qu’il employast seulement les premiers mots qui luy viendroyent à la bouche, Latins, François, Espagnols, ou Gascons, et qu’en y adjoustant la terminaison Italienne, il ne faudroit jamais à rencontrer quelque idiome du pays, ou Thoscan, ou Romain, ou Venetien, ou Piemontois, ou Napolitain, et de se joindre à quelqu’une de tant de formes.
I perswaded somebody in Italy, who laboured very much to speak Italian, that always provided he desired but to be understood, and not to seek to excell others therein, he should onely imploy and use such words as came first to his mouth, whether they were Latine, French, Spanish, or Gascoine, and that adding the Italian terminations unto them, he should never misse to fall upon some idiome of the countrie, either Tuscan, Roman, Venetian, Piemontoise, or Neapolitan; and amongst so many severall formes of speech to take hold of one.
lukhnos :: Nov.22.2005 :: litteris 字與詞 :: 5 Comments »
5 Responses to “亂讀古書的好處之一……”
Yes, I haue been using this technique and indeed was introducing it to a recent acquaintance.
By the way, “Guid tae see ye at the Scots Wikipaedia, the first encyclopaedia in the Scots leid!” http://sco.wikipedia.org/
Also see: http://europa.eu.int/languages/
I think Dario Fo drew on the dialectal diversity in Italy as he was trying to emulate how itinerant storytellers go from one village to another, repeating the same narrative in different tongues, similar to what the passage cited was talking about. I think the Fo book in English translation I read had someone trying to translate a bit in Scots; and that inspired me to try doing it in Hakka….
Good blog site..go to here by an unintentional google search from Guangzhou, Mainland.
Dario for mayor!