The Old Blog Archive (Traditional Chinese), 2004-2009

Adeste fideles

那時候教拉丁文的神父跟我們說,「拉丁文學了就是要忘的」(Latin is a language you learn to forget)。倒是偶爾他會跟我們說,在哪裡不期而遇見到以前的校友,他或她頭一句話是那第一名詞詞尾變化的口訣:a ae ae am a… 有的學長姐比較厲害,還會背誦凱薩《高盧戰記》或西塞羅《抗卡帝利納書》的「頭一句」話。想想那時打混修的課,的確剩下不多的記憶,但偶爾還是會冒出那時神父半唱半唸的口訣,才真的知道他們教會教人外語,還是很有一套的:音樂和音律比字詞意義更容易長遠地印在記憶中。

像是有首不會忘記的歌,是聖誕節時一定會唱的 Adeste fideles

Adeste Fideles
Laeti triumphantes
Venite, venite in Bethlehem
Natum videte
Regem angelorum
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus

(英文翻譯和 midi 檔可以參閱這裡


今年的我亂七八糟的,對待許多朋友都疏忽了。請讓我說聲抱歉。並利用 blog 跟大家問候一聲,祝大家都平安喜樂。

4 Responses to “Adeste fideles”

  1. on 23 Dec 2005 at 11:49claire





    善牧童如飛奔,快跑到破馬棚,見若瑟瑪利亞和耶穌聖嬰,朝拜救世主 ,獻上一小綿羊。

  2. on 28 Dec 2005 at 18:15Dr Kaihsu Tai

    Went to the local Catholic parish church, the Oratory, for the Christmas Eve services, and got upset with myself for not being able to recite the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed in Latin….

  3. on 29 Dec 2005 at 01:25b6s



  4. on 29 Dec 2005 at 02:58Dr Kaihsu Tai

    How come the translation does not include the part from the Creed? ‘Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, | Parturit virgo mater, [Gestant puellae viscera,] | Deum verum, genitum, non factum.’ And the 三叩首 is very Qing-imperial…. By the way, there is also a Taiwanese (that is, Hō-ló-oē) translation in the Presbyterian hymnal.